Thursday, February 2, 2012

Traveling Books

      Thanks to the many readers and fans who have embraced the residents of Cape Willington, Maine, and provided numerous creative ideas and suggestions. It would be fun to track each book, and meet the reader at it's destination. Opening e-mails from you is like opening a present. Thanks to you, I  have donated books to help raise money for earthquake relief in New Zealand and Japan. I have helped a wonderful 8th grader with her writing projects - Keep up with the great writing Ally! I have had readers who have parallel lives with residents of Cape Willington, which is quite amazing to read about. We have even reached the dental world through Lois Hirt, a dental hygienist who writes a column on Hygienists In Print-Fiction and Non Fiction. Through her, a copy of Town in a Lobster Stew is now at The National Museum of Dentistry in Baltimore, Maryland.
So, a great big Thank-you!
Keep reading and keep sending e-mails.